What is your continual act of creating?
So much around us these days seem to be devolving and include acts of destroying the foundations and
groundwork that took years to build and millions to dedicate their lives to creating. The threat and risk
of losing livelihood, peace, happiness, home and life seem to be piling higher and higher, so high in fact
it can seem insurmountable.
What is your continual act of creating?
Just a month ago we gathered around the poorest of conditions, around a stable…a manger, to witness
yet again the in-breaking of light and love into a world that so desperately needs it – so desperately
needs to create opportunities that birth hope.
Our congregation approved a budget for 2025 that doesn’t seem real, maybe impossible, and yet is our
best effort at creating a long-lasting presence in Cathedral City.
Just weeks ago, and still yet, fires ravage not just our mountainsides, but our cities here in Southern
California, and we cry out from our exhaustion for something better.
What is your continual act of creating?
Amidst so much heartache, loss, and exhaustion, I encourage…no, implore you to find a way to create
something…anything. The hope we have in Christ is that we are co-creating with God the kin-dom of
heaven here and now. Everything, anything we do to create opportunities for health, wholeness, good,
joy, compassion is our continual act of creating…with God. Create something you’ve never thought you
could do, be part of something that you never thought you would want to join, meet the neighbor you
never thought you would cross path with, consider your continual act of creating.
When God was creating this world, we know God called it good. When we create good in this world,
God looks upon it and calls it good. And so we must believe that the good we create is always of God.
Find your good, and begin your continual act of creating. This is the hope in Christ for which we are all
desperately hungry. Let’s join together in our continual acts of creating!
Continually Creating,
Rev. Brian S. Symonds