What is there to say…or write for that matter? In the wake of the devastating wildfires beginning just a
week ago here in Southern California, not yet extinguished, still wreaking havoc on communities, still
displacing thousands of people, what is there to say? I’ve been reading what it is other pastors are
saying to their congregations and communities. A pastor friend of mine in Pasadena/Altadena area
offers a few words of comfort (my paraphrasing added):
1. It is okay to be sad – lamenting loss is a rich and healthy part of the story of our faith
2. This is not a punishment from God – When we don’t know where to place blame, we often
create something to blame. Blame is unnecessary, we build cities and they can burn, without
clear practices from the get go climate change can create situations that increase risk of fire.
Blame is unnecessary and unhelpful. It is better to listen, and to do good in response to loss.
3. We are fragile creatures. Things are fragile, life is fragile, nothing is absolutely safe, moments
like this give us pause – this is a time to rest on the assurance that faith, hope, and love abide,
but the greatest of these is love…love never ends.
4. We are resourceful, inventive, courageous, strong, and beautiful – We are these things because
we are created in the image of God…all of us. God is present, God is love, and we belong to God.
We will make it…it won’t be easy, but we’ll do it.
Sometimes there are no new words to say, but rather reminders of what we know to be true. We are
created in the image of a God who loves us, and yet we live fragile lives with moments of grief, and
because of God’s love for us we will make it through this. All Peoples Presbyterian Church will be
spending the next 6 weeks of the season of Epiphany to explore continual acts of creating. Join us in-
person or online as we journey together in acts of creation.
Knowing What is True,
Pastor Brian
Photo courtesy of ABC7 News