Dear Church,
We are moments out from the recent election cycle. Some are still reeling while others are
continuing to rejoice. Some lay in wait to see what will unfold from the decisions that were
decided upon through this election. Some are already acting out those decisions even while not
yet officially inaugurated. Some hide in shadows out of fear, and others boisterously display their
eager egos. Some prepare for violence and force, and others return to their gardens and crops to
make sure there is enough for others.
All Peoples Presbyterian Church strives to follow Christ’s leadings and to be a church that not
just welcomes all people, but discovers and celebrates the inherent value and worth in all people.
We cannot say we believe this and then celebrate when decisions are made to devalue and
diminish certain people. This only tears down Christ’s message and Christ’s church. And so, we
grieve...for however long we need to grieve.
And through that grieving, we find our way back to our community, to our church, to our family,
and we hug and hold onto each other, and we start sharing Christ’s message of an unconditional
love that discovers and celebrates the inherent value and worth in all people. We gather our
strength in each other and in a God who created us as the beloved, and we continue to work
towards justice and mercy, compassionately caring for all of God’s creation.
We find ourselves on the precipice of Advent, and we will soon be reminded of our Immanuel,
God with us. In the form of a child, God re-discovered and modeled for us all of our
belovedness. May that we embody the values of being All Peoples Presbyterian Church!
With Hope,
Rev. Brian S. Symonds